FNPW NSW Curb Wombat Mange Program

FNPW NSW Curb Wombat Mange Program

14 February 2025

We are excited to share that Hunter Wildlife Rescue was awarded a grant from @fnpwaustralia (FNPW) under their NSW Curb Wombat Mange Program.

The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has partnered with the Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife (FNPW) to provide targeted funding of up to $2 million to the New South Wales volunteer wildlife rehabilitation sector and Aboriginal community organisations to purchase and use the approved chemicals and equipment needed to treat mange in free-living wombats.

The grant is being used to develop an automated treatment delivery system that doesn’t interfere with the wombat’s normal behaviour and therefore we’ll have ability to be used more flexibly in different cirumstances. We are also purchasing infra-red cameras to locate wombats otherwise out of site to improve delivery of treatments.  Having appropriate equipment allows us to continue to provide specialised treatment for mange affected wombats safely in their natural environment.

For more information, please visit the “Curb Wombat Mange Program” page.

#fnpw #wildlife @fnpwaustralia www.fnpw.org.au

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