Corella Bird Entanglement In Lake Macquarie

Corella Bird Entanglement In Lake Macquarie

4 September 2024

In August, a member of the public contacted our rescue line to report what looked like a cockatoo entangled approximately 15 metres high in a tree. The corella bird, as it turned out to be, was located in a large tree within a children’s playground, causing a lot of attention and distress. The bird was frantically trying to get free but was severely entangled in fishing line.

Our friends at WIRES called 000 and shortly afterwards advised that Teralba Fire & Rescue were on their way. Within 30 minutes, two fire crews turned up to lend a hand. As the fire rescue equipment was too heavy, the firemen organised for the council tree workers from Agility Trees to attend with their small cherry picker.

Corella Bird Rescue Fishing Line Hook Lake Macquarie NSW
Magpie Rescue Fishing Line Hook Morpeth Hunter NSW
Magpie Rescue Fishing Line Hook Morpeth Hunter NSW

After a couple of hours and an incredible team effort, the corella bird was secured and untangled. It was taken into care over night for monitoring and released the following day.

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